Sturtevant (R-M269) Status

This is an unusual posting in that I am going to tell you why I am unable to publish more about the line of Samuel L. Sturtevant. The problem is that the ancestors of Samuel L. Sturtevant came from Europe where his haplogroup (R-M269) is very common. In fact, R-M269 is the most common European haplogroup. More Europeans share R-M269 than any other haplogroup. This means there is an abundance of haplotypes contained in R-M269 and it takes a greater level of Y-DNA testing to differentiate between that multitude. Unfortunately, without testing to 67 or even 111 markers, there are too many haplotype variations to identify a recognizable pattern. Without a pattern, it is not possible to identify the differences required to determine decendancy.

The following is an attempt to identify the issues and encourage the descendants of Samuel L. Sturdevant of Massachusetts to test (or upgrade) to at least 67 or 111 STR markers. Or, better yet, the Big Y-500 tests 0ver 500 STR and many thousands of SNP. Probably, the only DNA test ever needed.


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