
Welcome to … The STURDEVANT DNA Project


Our goal is to use genetic information provided by STURDEVANT descendants to identify their ancestry beyond the known patriarchs of each lineage. We will use Y-DNA analysis to determine potential relationships between members, lineages and other surnames. Private and novel SNPs are the components that bear watching. At some point, one or more matches will be identified and each will provide opportunity to take a genealogical look into the relationships of the matching persons.

New STURDEVANT family members are welcome. Free membership is open to any person who has taken a DNA test at FTDNA and who meets any of the following criteria. If there is a STURDEVANT ancestor in your lineage, please join The STURDEVANT DNA Project. Persons having a STURDEVANT matriarch are also welcome. Note: DNA tests used for genealogy do not contain medical information.

  • A male person with any spelling variation of a STURDEVANT surname.
    • Membership provides recording, visibility and tracking of paternal lineage (Y-DNA), community discussion and guidance/recommendations for future activities.
  • A female spouse or daughter of a person with a STURDEVANT surname.
    • Membership provides recording, visibility and self-tracking of maternal lineage (mtDNA), Some added guidance may be available in the forums, etc.
  • A person with an identified STURDEVANT DNA lineage (name change, adoptee, etc.).
    • Males: Membership provides recording, visibility and tracking of paternal lineage (Y-DNA), community discussion and guidance/recommendations for future activities.
    • Females: Membership provides recording, visibility and self-tracking of maternal lineage (mtDNA), Some added guidance may be available in the forums, etc.
  • A person with similar Y-DNA and a collateral surname.
    • Membership provides recording and visibility without tracking of paternal lineage, however, it is expected that the surname lines may converge at some point in the past.
  • An extended family member or other interested person not related to a STURDEVANT lineage.
    • Membership provides monitoring and research of data collected by the project; no DNA tracking is available. Members may use the discussion forums.



Who We Are

  • We are a community of genealogy researchers who use genetic analysis to advance our understanding of STURDEVANT ancestry. We combine DNA analysis and other genetic tools with family genealogies and histories to improve our knowledge of STURDEVANT family genealogy.
  • Individually, we have a genetic link or a research interest in one or more of the spelling variations of the STURDEVANT surname.
  • We use genetics, testing, paper trails, and other research to find and identify those with whom we share common ancestors.
  • We adhere to the Genetic Genealogy Guidelines as proposed by the Genetic Genealogy Standards Committee in January 2015.
  • Members try to identify other participant(s) with “matching” DNA test results to gain understanding of the STURDEVANT lineage.
  • Genetic genealogy does not prove relationships but it does help break down genealogical “Brick Walls” by opening possible avenues of research.
  • Together, project members search for the genealogical “HolyGrail;” the evasive paper trail that leads to our most distant ancestors.
  • The Sturdy Tree is open to the public; membership is not necessary to view most pages of the website. Participation in the forums and blog are the general exceptions that require membership at The Sturdy Tree.
  • Project information and discussion is available in the forums. Membership is required to participate in the forums or comment in the blog.
  • To help encourage participation, project members receive DNA tests at reduced costs when ordered through the project Visit Order Test to obtain a DNA test in The STURDEVANT DNA Project and become a member of the project.
  • If your Y-DNA was previously tested by another company, transfer your results to FTDNA and join The STURDEVANT DNA Project.
  • Please direct questions and comments to the Project Administrator.


  • The STURDEVANT DNA Project is hosted on The Sturdy Tree website for the benefit of it’s members and the STURDEVANT community in general.
  • The website owner, administrators and co-administrators are volunteers from the community membership.
  • Recommendations of the membership are considered as much as possible when making decisions or major changes to the website.
  • The website is provided free of charge and intends to archive all available information. Information on this website will not disappear and will not be manipulated to obtain a fee or other charge to members.
  • Members will receive prior notification if it becomes necessary to change any of these policies.

Family Tree DNA

  • The database for The STURDEVANT DNA Project is hosted by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA). This external website is the location for collection, retention and analysis of STURDEVANT genetic information.
  • Testing members of The STURDEVANT DNA Project are should have an account at FTDNA. Membership at FTDNA is automatic when a person is tested or when their test results are transferred from another testing activity. An FTDNA account is necessary to ensure visibility of DNA test results.
  • Project members have their own account web page (myFTDNA) at FTDNA and may participate in other activities as they deem appropriate.
  • The STURDEVANT DNA Project follows the Gene by Gene Privacy Policy as published by Family Tree DNA.

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