Document Archive (PDF)

This is an index of the documents collected and archived by the [email protected] email list since 1998. These documents were contributed and uploaded by many list members that can no longer be identified. Click an image to open the document in a new page/window. Mouse-over to show title. Displayed files may be downloaded.

NOTE 1: These documents have been converted to .pdf format for better presentation.
NOTE 2: This feature is a “work in progress” so please leave a comment (below) if you have a question or suggestion for improvement.

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[mla_gallery mla_viewer=true orderby=title attachment_category=STURDEVANT-Group post_mime_type=application/pdf size=large link=file mla_target="_blank" posts_per_page=20 mla_caption={+title+} mla_output="paginate_links,prev_next"]

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