-- -- THE STURDY TREE -- --

James Almon Sturdevant & Nancy Susan Franklin

Before 1924, Buffalo, Missouri

Burial Hill

Site of the Old Fort Burying Ground, Plymouth, Massachusetts. The burial site of several Pilgrims.

Ira Sturdevant, Nebraska

Moray and Sturdevant Photo Studio

1/2 of stereoscope produced by Moray and Sturdevant of their studio, date unknown. Original in possession of Wayne Sturdevant.

The Sturdevant Family Band

*except Mr. Smith, second from right.

-- Dedicated to genetic genealogy of STURDEVANT families. --

Our Purpose...

The goal of The Sturdy Tree is to promote STURDEVANT genealogy: the continuing search for information about our STURDEVANT ancestors who immigrated to the New World. The Sturdy Tree will host narrative family trees, genetic studies and forums for each STURDEVANT patriarch. Members work together to create an on-line STURDEVANT genealogy source that will benefit our community.

Our DNA Project...

Join The STURDEVANT DNA Project to learn of your genetic heritage. Genetic genealogy may help to identify STURDEVANT ancestors. We will track Y-DNA and mtDNA (as appropriate) for male and female members. Other STURDEVANT family descendants may join for genealogical research purposes. All members are encouraged to take an appropriate Y-DNA or mtDNA test.


Our Most Wanted...

These are our most notorious and evasive STURDEVANTs. All are wanted for further questioning. Contact us immediately if you have information concerning the lineage of any of these missing STURDEVANTS. Persons reporting the whereabouts or providing information leading to the capture and investigation of these individuals will be inadequately rewarded and may remain anonymous.